Monday Men's meme - Is Homosexuality wrong
Posted On Friday, February 5, 2010 at at 12:39 PM by MarkYeah, this is a real hot topic. Not just because it was brought up on blogfrog either. The short answer is that it is wrong. Why? Because God says so in His Word. Lev 18:22, Rom 1:27, 1 Tim 1:10.
The long answer only exists because not everyone wants to admit that God gets to make the rules. He is the creator of the universe and therefore gets to make the rules. I have not seen real evidence that He didn't create the universe. Big Bang, Evolution? No, sorry. Too much about those things simply doesn't work. The rate of expansion of the universe is increasing...shouldn't it be slowing down? Plants evolved to use photosynthesis? If any one step in that process doesn't work or happen in the proper sequence, the whole thing fails. I'm no scientist, so don't ask me ins and outs on this stuff. However, I am a Mechanical Engineer so order and rules are important to me. When you look at the laws of Physics and Math, could you really conclude that it was luck that things happened that way? I mean, the stars and planets move in a mathematically predictable manner. Billions of stars moving through space with that sort of order came from an explosion? Nonsense. Does anyone subscribe to the big bang theory any more? It makes for a somewhat amusing sit-com, but not an explanation for the universe.
From reading a bunch of the comments on blogfrog regarding this topic, the sentiment is if you say someone is wrong, you must not like them or you think you are superior or you're just mean. That simply stems from pride. You don't agree with me, that hurts my feelings because I didn't get the response I wanted and thought I deserved, so I'm mad and it's your fault. Of course, that line of reasoning assumes that nothing offensive was actually said. There certainly are those who are downright mean and self-righteous toward those who are "sinners". Those are some terribly immature, insecure people and I really wish they would stop calling themselves Christian. They don't represent Christ. He never turned people away who came to Him repentant and believing in Him. He loved people where they were at and simply encouraged them to get their lives matter what the sin was.
I've written before that I think pointing out sin in another Christian's life, which it is our job to do as Christians, is extremely difficult to do well. I don't do it well. Our society doesn't encourage it either. I've had some difficult times and done some dumb things that I had to apologize for. Even that was hard to pull off. It was actually harder on the person I was apologizing to than it was on me. The person didn't seem to know what to make of it. Between men especially, there seems to be an attitude of ignore it for a while and it'll go away. Go to our separate corners and cool off. Well, that doesn't work And it's not Biblical either. We need to be able to be honest with each other in a LOVING way. That's the hard part.
What to do when the person isn't a Christian? Do we have the same responsibility? Our responsibility to the unsaved is to lead them to Christ. Sometimes with words, more often with actions. I have a gay relative. Do I shun this person? Definitely not! We have a good time at family events. We don't see each other but once or twice a year because I don't get home much. But when I and my family do go back, we all try to get together and there isn't an issue. My wife and I just try to be an example of Christ in any way can. Not a big act either. I don't try to squeeze a bible verse into every other sentence or whip out my bible and say "Look what I read this morning." These people know me. They all know where I stand on the issue of homosexuality. I don't make excuses or apologies for it either. What allows us to be in the same room is a respect for each other. I will defend my faith when needed, but I am not going to pick a fight either. It is God who draws us to Him not me pushing someone to Him.
Ok, so that's a lot of words...I do tend to ramble sometimes. In a nutshell, Jesus said there are only 2 commandments: 1) Love God most of all, 2) Love others as you do yourself (my translation). Love doesn't necessarily mean acceptance of all behavior but it means a recognition that no one is worse than I was when Christ died for me. All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God (Rom 3:23).
Thanks for visiting.